I really enjoy going on treks when I need a break from my daily routine. Stress can really mess with our health, both mentally and physically. But from what I’ve learned, having a balanced life is important for a great future. That’s why I want to share my experience of the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek with all of you today.

A lot of people wonder why I love Kashmir so much, but I just let them see the pictures. Once they do, they always get super excited and want to know more about the trek. Even though some of my friends have already done it, I believe everyone deserves a break.

I want to talk about my experience on the trek. Kashmir is truly a paradise on earth. The emotions I felt while exploring cannot be put into words. There are no words that can capture the magnificence of the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek. It’s truly a wonder and I suggest checking out other treks before attempting this one. Once you’ve experienced the KGL Trek, other treks just won’t compare. The beauty of the KGL Trek is simply mesmerizing.

Enchanting Beauty of the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek

The Kashmir trek is full of excitement, especially with the high-altitude lakes that make it even more thrilling. The view of the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek is absolutely stunning and it keeps changing every day. Some people even say it’s like a miracle from God because the beauty is just unbelievable. During the trek, I learned about all 7 lakes, which make the KGL Trek even more beautiful like a movie scene.

Check out these important points that can help you when you go trekking:

  • The lakes have really clean water that you can drink without filtering it. There are more minerals in it than the water we usually drink at home.
  • Some lakes not only have pure water, but also fish in them. If you’re interested, villagers with fishing permission can sell you some fish. Just remember to pay them and you can have as much as you want.
  • You’ll see lakes that glisten like a crystal. The view of it is so pristine. You won’t be able to tear your eyes away from that lake.

Daily Wonders of the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek

Day 1

We began our journey with a long drive from Srinagar to Gangagir, which took us 4 hours to reach the base camp. After resting from the drive, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and got ready for the trek the next day. Since we were inexperienced, we decided to stick close to our guide to make sure we had a great trekking adventure without any mishaps.

Day 2

As we moved ahead, we kicked off our second day full of energy and excitement. We were eager to discover more. We could already see a sneak peek of the stunning trek. On day two, we traveled from Gangagir to Shidkati. The journey to Nichnai from Shidkati is quite long, taking about 6 to 7 hours. We began our trek from Shidkati, making sure to bring along all the necessary supplies such as water bottles and snacks.

As we hiked along, we stumbled upon a meadow encircled by maple and pine trees. After trekking for around thirty minutes, we stumbled upon a stunning stream. The lush greenery resembled a welcoming green carpet laid out just for us. The further we ventured, the more captivated we became by the trek’s beauty. To the right of the meadow, we could spot small peaks blanketed in snow.

We decided to take a break and have lunch a little further down the path. We wanted to take in the beauty of the trek. After walking for about thirty minutes, we reached the bhoj trees. As we continued on, the trail started to descend and we came across the beginning of nichai, a river valley. The valley opened up ahead and we saw a pair of snow-covered peaks in the shape of a triangle. This was the end point of our trek.

Day 3

Our third day hike will take us 7 hours to go from Nichnai to Viahnusar, passing through Nichnain pass or Vishnusar Berry. On the second day, we will need to cross to the left side of the river. The path will gradually start going uphill. As you go up, you will catch sight of a beautiful deep blue lake that offers a stunning view. It’s important to note that this is the final spot where we can use our phones. The Nichnai Pass is a broad tunnel sitting at an altitude of 13,229 ft.

In the next hour, we will come across a beautiful sight of red flowers blooming. As we continue walking for another hour, we will stumble upon a majestic waterfall surrounded by small flowers. On the left side, there are the towering Himalayan mountains, while on the right side, there are barren mountains. After half an hour, we will reach the end of the valley where we can set up our camps for the day. After resting for a while, we decided to explore and came across the Twin Lakes. The most amazing thing about these lakes is that they change color depending on the clouds. We were amazed by the magical color-changing ability of the lake.

Day 4

We woke up on our 4th day after seeing all the amazing things. We had to walk from Viahnusar to Gadasar. This walk takes 7 to 8 hours and has a beautiful view. After walking for a while, we found out about Gadsar Pass. It’s the highest point of the walk and it’s 13,800ft high.

Gadasar has many small lakes around it. One of them is Yamsar Lake, which we were told is named after lord Yama. When we went trekking, we found out that these lakes have a lot of history and the locals consider them to be spiritual. I think Gadsar Lake is the most beautiful blue-iris lake. There’s also an army security checkpost near Gadsar Lake, so we made sure to inform them about our team and show them our documents. You’ll have to do the same when you go there.

Day 5

On the 5th day, we hiked from Gadsar to Satsar, which took us about 4 to 5 hours. During this trek, we came across some stunning streams. After that, we made our way up the mountain trail to reach a lake that is actually a group of 7 lakes. Surprisingly, we learned that there are only 4 to 5 lakes in total.

After walking for thirty minutes, we found ourselves on a level path with grassy fields and mountains all around. This spot is called Maengandob. As we continued on our journey, we stumbled upon some solitary mountains with breathtaking views. It truly showcased the beauty of the KGL Trek. We set up camp near the initial Satsar Lake, where there is now an LOC, so we had to go through the same document check to reach the army camp at Satsar Lake. After taking a break, we stepped outside for some fresh air and were mesmerized by the stunning lake that seemed to draw us in.

Day 6

Today is the 6th day of our Kashmir Great Lakes Trek, and we need to trek for 6 hours. We are going from Satsar to Gangbal through Zaj Pass. We realized that we have to hike up to the peak, which is at an altitude of 11,800 feet. So, we have to take the zig-zag pony trek to reach the top. The climb takes about 45 minutes, and once we reached the peak, we noticed that there are two more ridges to conquer.

I was really excited to see the beautiful views as we climbed higher up the mountain. From the top, we could see two stunning lakes and the majestic Harmukh Peak. After taking in the sights, we headed back down and refreshed ourselves in the streams. Gangbal Lake and Nandkol Lake are great for fishing, but the trek can be tough with narrow trails and slippery slopes. Be careful like I was, some of my friends had a hard time!

Day 7

After finishing the 6th-day trek, we’re getting ready for the 7th-day trek. This day might be tough on your body, so be careful not to hurt your legs and knees. But don’t worry, because you’ll see lots of beautiful sights on the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek. And if you walk for about 30 minutes, you’ll be able to get phone signal and call someone.

We reached the edge of the ridge and beyond it, we entered a vast, flat green field filled with lovely meadows. During our exploration today, we stumbled upon a delightful surprise – small yellow flowers that were so enchanting, I made sure to watch my every step so as not to trample them. As we continued our journey, we spotted the outlines of trees in the distance. Our guide advised us to follow the tree lines, emphasizing the importance of listening to them since we were unfamiliar with the area and in need of guidance.

Here’s a little advice: avoid walking straight into the forest because you might encounter some unexpected obstacles. During our trek, we came across a log cabin which was a unique sight in the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek. On the final day of our journey, we really put our endurance to the test. Once we returned, we couldn’t help but miss the breathtaking views and wished we could have stayed longer. These memories still linger in my mind whenever I reminisce about the trek. Oh, and don’t forget that the checkpost closes at 4 pm when you return from Narang. If you lose track of time, you might need to seek help from the army.

Essential Tips for a Memorable and Successful Trip

I really want to make sure my readers have an awesome time like I did on the KGL Trek. Let me share some tips for a great trip. Pick your buddies wisely because it’s a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. So, choose wisely.

Best companion

I enjoy being with Mountain Hikers because the guides are really helpful. When I first started looking for a company to go hiking with, I almost made a mistake. I found out that some companies don’t show all their prices online, so it’s important to do some research before choosing. I’m glad I chose Mountain Hikers because they are transparent about their pricing. It’s important to choose wisely!

Besides that, they gave me everything I needed for the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek and shared some cool info with me that I want to tell you guys about.

  • Pack your clothes in a polybag to keep them dry in case it rains.
  • Be careful with your batteries in cold weather as they can drain quickly.
  • Keep your power banks charged and safe among your clothes.
  • Remember that there may be places without network coverage, so stay informed.
  • Take copies of your documents to show at army checkposts.
  • Be cautious around dogs, as they may not be used to visitors and could be unfriendly.
  • Avoid feeding dogs to prevent them from getting sick or becoming aggressive.
  • If you feel tired while trekking, look for a tea point to rest and enjoy some Kashmiri kahwah.
  • You can also find Maggie and other essential items at the tea point.
  • Talking to local people can provide valuable insights and tips for your trekking experience.

Challenges You Might Encounter While Doing The Kashmir Great Lakes Trek

The journey ahead is tough, with obstacles and trials along the way to reach the most amazing view in the world. They say that hard work pays off in the end. Remember, the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek lasts for 7 days, but it’s a good idea to plan for an extra day just in case. Here are some challenges I encountered that you might also come across:

  • At high altitudes, you might feel dizzy and get headaches, so it’s a good idea to bring medicine or anything else that helps you feel better.
  • Remember to keep your body moving and your posture in check while trekking to make the journey easier.
  • If you want to carry a big backpack, talk to the Mountain Hikers or your agency about getting an offload so you can trek more comfortably.
  • Be extra careful during the rainy season when the trails are narrow and slippery, there won’t be anyone to help carry your bag, so watch your step and stay confident.
  • If you slip on the wet ground, there’s a lake below the trail, so be cautious and help yourself stay safe.

Magical Kashmir 

When I got back from the Kashmir trek, I still remember bits and pieces of the journey. I believe it’s fair to say that the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek is like a paradise for trekkers. The surprises along the way are so amazing that they make you forget about everything else. Some people might be scared to go on this trek, but in my opinion, it’s not that hard – it’s all about your mindset. The best thing is that you won’t get tired of the views because each day brings something new. The lakes, mountains, and meadows make the trek even more beautiful. Unfortunately, due to security reasons, you can’t use drones to capture the scenery. Overall, it’s a perfect mix of excitement and peace.

However, Kashmir has a lot of other amazing spots to visit as well, and you can check them out on your own. The Kashmir Great Lakes Trek was definitely the most exciting and charming adventure I’ve had. In simpler terms, it’s totally worth your time and will bring you peace.

Also Visit:

  1. Tarsar Marsar Trek
  2. Nafran Valley Trek
  3. Chadar Trek